project culture > ceremony

Expo.02 - The first Swiss National exhibition in the new millennium, 39 exhibitions and over 13‘500 events made the 3-lakes-region during 159 days the center of Switzerland. Many millions of people visited, from 15.05.2002 to 20.10.2002 the four sites on the lakes of Neuchâtel, Bienne and Murten and were part of this huge and unforgettable happening.

In 2012 the alumni association of Expo.02 planned to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Expo.02. Therefore they offered to celebrate this event with former collaborators and employees, partners and political bodies involved.

On 12.05.2012 at 18:00 a big celebration party started at the „Das Zelt“ in Biel (SUI).

anniversary show
david stricker

Ralph Ammann was working as coordinator, organizer and head of project of the alumni association of Expo.02 for the anniversary: 10 years Expo.02. 

Expo.02 > Anniversary: 10 years Expo.02 - Some impressions of the ceremony
